Puerto Madryn on the map, Argentina
Where is located Puerto Madryn
Exact location — Puerto Madryn, Biedma Department, Chubut Province, Argentina, marked on the map with a red marker.
Puerto Madryn, Argentina coordinates in decimal format: latitude — -42.7543983, longitude — -65.0493088. When converted to degrees, minutes, seconds Puerto Madryn has the following coordinates: -42°45′15.83 north latitude and -65°2′57.51 east longitude.
Puerto Madryn, Biedma Department, Chubut Province, Argentina, according to our data the population is — 95,547 residents, which is about 0.2% of the total population of the country (Argentina).
Comparison of the population on the graph:
Exact time
Time zone for this location Puerto Madryn — UTC -3 America/Catamarca. Exact time — wednesday, 9 september 2024 year, 08 h. 35 minutes.
Sunrise and sunset
Puerto Madryn, sunrise and sunset data for a date — wednesday 18.09.2024.
Sunrise | Sunset | Day (duration) |
07:18 -1 minute | 19:10 +2 minutes | 11 h. 54 minutes. +3 minutes |
You can control the scale of the map using the auxiliary tools to find out exactly where it is located Puerto Madryn. When you change the scale of the map, the width of the ruler also changes (in kilometers and miles).
Nearby cities
The largest cities that are located nearby:
- Trelew — 59 km
- Comodoro Rivadavia — 393 km
- Neuquen — 494 km
- Bahía Blanca — 507 km
- San Carlos de Bariloche — 551 km
- Puerto Montt (Chile) — 669 km
- Osorno (Chile) — 720 km
- Valdivia (Chile) — 768 km
- Temuco (Chile) — 787 km
- Tandil — 794 km
- Mar del Plata — 837 km
- Los Ángeles (Chile) — 867 km
- Chillán (Chile) — 924 km
- San Rafael — 949 km
- Concepcion (Chile) — 965 km
- Talcahuano (Chile) — 977 km
- Villa Mercedes — 1004 km
- Talca (Chile) — 1005 km
- Curico (Chile) — 1026 km
Distance to neighboring capitals:
- Santiago (Chile) — 1146 km
- Montevideo (Uruguay) — 1163 km
- Asuncion (Paraguay) — 2058 km
- Asuncion (Paraguay) — 2062 km
- Nuestra Señora de La Paz (Bolivia) — 2935 km
- Bogota (Colombia) — 5345 km
- Caracas (Venezuela) — 5928 km
Distance to the capital
Distance to the capital (Buenos Aires) is about — 1075 km.